
本プライバシーポリシーは、当社のオンラインオファー、関連ウェブサイト、機能、コンテンツ、およびソーシャルメディアプロフィールなどの外部オンラインプレゼンスにおける個人データ(以下、「データ」といいます)の処理の性質、範囲、および目的を明確にするものです。(以下、総称して「オンライン・オファー」といいます。)処理」または「管理者」などの使用される用語については、一般データ保護規則(General Data Protection Regulation)第4条の定義を参照してください。一般データ保護規則(GDPR)第4条の定義を参照してください。

通り番号:Ankdammsgatan 18
郵便番号、都市、国17143, ソルナ, スウェーデン
電話番号+46 08 7304080
Eメールアドレス: info(a)diamond-service.se



- 在庫データ(氏名、住所など)。
- 連絡先の詳細(電子メール、電話番号など)。
- コンテンツデータ(テキスト入力、写真、ビデオなど)。
- 契約データ(契約内容、期間、顧客区分など)。
- 支払いデータ(銀行口座情報、支払い履歴など)。
- 利用データ(訪問したウェブサイト、コンテンツへの興味、アクセス時間など)。
- メタ/通信データ(デバイス情報、IPアドレスなど)。




- 顧客、利害関係者、オンラインオファーの訪問者および利用者、ビジネスパートナー。


- オンラインオファーの提供、そのコンテンツおよび店舗機能の提供。
- 契約サービスの提供、サービスおよび顧客ケア。
- 問い合わせへの対応、ユーザーとのコミュニケーション
- マーケティング、広告、市場調査
- 安全対策。

ステータス05/ 2020

1. 使用用語
1.1 「個人情報」とは、識別された、または識別可能な自然人(以下「情報主体」といいます)に関連するあらゆる情報を意味します。識別可能な自然人とは、特に、氏名、識別番号、位置情報、オンライン識別子(クッキーなど)などの識別子、または当該自然人の身体的、生理的、遺伝的、精神的、経済的、文化的、社会的アイデンティティに固有の1つ以上の要素を参照することにより、直接的または間接的に識別することができる者をいいます。

1.2 「処理」とは、自動化された手段によるか否かを問わず、個人データに対して行われるあらゆる操作または一連の操作を意味する。この用語は広範であり、実質的にあらゆるデータの取り扱いを対象とする。

1.3 「管理者」とは、単独で、または他者と共同で、個人データ処理の目的および手段を決定する自然人または法人、公的機関、代理店、その他の団体を意味します。

2 関連する法的根拠
GDPR第13条に基づき13 GDPRに従い、当社のデータ処理の法的根拠をお知らせします。法的根拠がプライバシーポリシーに記載されていない場合は、以下が適用されます:同意を得るための法的根拠はArt.6 para.1 lit. aおよびArt.7 GDPR、当社のサービスの履行、契約上の措置の実施、およびお問い合わせへの対応のための処理の法的根拠は、Art.6 para.1 lit. b GDPR、当社の法的義務を履行するための処理の法的根拠はArt.6 para.1 lit. c GDPRであり、当社の正当な利益を保護するための処理の法的根拠はArt.6 para.1 lit. f GDPRです。データ主体または他の自然人の重大な利益が個人データの処理を必要とする場合、Art.6 para.1 lit. d GDPRが法的根拠となります。

3. プライバシーポリシーの変更および更新

4. 安全対策
4.1 GDPR第32条に従う。32 GDPRに従い、最新技術、実施コスト、処理の性質、範囲、文脈および目的、ならびに自然人の権利および自由に対する様々な可能性および重大性のリスクを考慮し、リスクに適したセキュリティレベルを確保するための適切な技術的および組織的措置を講じる。さらに、データ対象者の権利行使、データの削除、データの脅威への対応を保証する手順を確立しています。さらに、技術設計およびデータ保護に配慮した初期設定(GDPR第25条)によるデータ保護の原則に従い、ハードウェア、ソフトウェア、手順の開発または選択の初期段階から、個人データの保護に配慮しています。

4.2 セキュリティ対策には、特にお客様のブラウザと当社サーバー間のデータの暗号化通信が含まれます。

5. データの開示と送信
5.1 当社が、当社の処理の一環としてデータを他の個人および企業(処理者または第三者)に開示する場合、またはデータを転送する場合、あるいはデータへのアクセスを許可する場合、これは法的許可に基づいてのみ行われます(例えば、データがArt.6 para.1 lit. b GDPR)に基づき、お客様の同意がある場合、法的義務により規定されている場合、または当社の正当な利益(代理店、ホスティングプロバイダー、税務、ビジネスおよび法律アドバイザー、カスタマーケア、会計、請求、および当社が契約上の義務、管理業務および義務を効率的かつ効果的に履行するための同様のサービスを利用する場合など)に基づき行われます。

5.2 いわゆる「注文処理契約」に基づきデータの処理を第三者に委託する場合、これはGDPR第28条に基づいて行われます。28 GDPRに基づいて行われます。

6. 第三国への移転
当社がデータを第三国(欧州連合(EU)または欧州経済地域(EEA)外)で処理する場合、または第三者サービスの使用や第三者へのデータの開示または転送の文脈でこれが発生する場合、これは当社の(事前)契約上の義務を果たすため、お客様の同意に基づく場合、法的義務に基づく場合、または当社の合法的利益に基づく場合にのみ行われます。法律上または契約上の許可に基づき、第三国でデータを処理または処理させるのは、Art.44 et seq.の特別な要件が満たされる場合にのみ、第三国においてデータを処理または処理させます。これは、例えば、EUに相当するデータ保護レベルの公的に認められた決定(例えば、「プライバシー・シールド」による米国)、または公的に認められた特別な契約上の義務(いわゆる「標準契約条項」)の遵守などの特別な保証に基づいて処理が行われることを意味します。

7 データ主体の権利
7.1 お客様は、当該データが処理されているかどうかの確認、および当該データに関する情報、さらにArt.15 GDPRに従います。

7.2 貴殿は以下に従っている。第16 GDPRに基づき、お客様は、お客様に関するデータの補完またはお客様に関する不正確なデータの修正を要求する権利を有します。

7.3 GDPR第17条に従い、利用者は当該データの即時削除を要求する権利、またはその代わりに当該データの処理の制限を要求する権利を有する。17 GDPRに基づき、お客様は当該データの即時削除を要求する権利、またはその代わりにArt.18 GDPRに従ってデータ処理の制限を要求する権利があります。

7.4 お客様は、GDPR第20条に従い、当社に提供したお客様に関するデータの受領を要求する権利を有します。20 GDPRに従い、当社に提供されたお客様に関するデータの受領を要求し、他のデータ管理者に転送することを要求する権利を有します。

7.5 You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR.

8. right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw your consent in accordance with Art. 7 (3) GDPR with effect for the future.

9. right of objection
You can object to the future processing of data concerning you at any time in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR. In particular, you may object to processing for direct marketing purposes.

10. cookies and right to object to direct advertising
10.1 “Cookies” are small files that are stored on users’ computers. Different information can be stored within the cookies. A cookie is primarily used to store information about a user (or the device on which the cookie is stored) during or after their visit to an online service. Temporary cookies, or “session cookies” or “transient cookies”, are cookies that are deleted after a user leaves an online service and closes their browser. The content of a shopping cart in an online store or a login status, for example, can be stored in such a cookie. Cookies that remain stored even after the browser is closed are referred to as “permanent” or “persistent”. For example, the login status can be saved if the user visits the website after several days. The interests of users can also be stored in such a cookie and used for reach measurement or marketing purposes. “Third-party cookies” are cookies from providers other than the controller who operates the online service (otherwise, if they are only the controller’s cookies, they are referred to as “first-party cookies”).

10.2 We use temporary and permanent cookies and provide information about this in our privacy policy.
If users do not want cookies to be stored on their computer, they are asked to deactivate the corresponding option in the system settings of their browser. Stored cookies can be deleted in the system settings of the browser. The exclusion of cookies can lead to functional restrictions of this online offer.

10.3 A general objection to the use of cookies used for online marketing purposes can be raised for a large number of services, especially in the case of tracking, via the US site http://www.aboutads.info/choices/ or the EU side http://www.youronlinechoices.com/ be explained. Furthermore, the storage of cookies can be achieved by deactivating them in the browser settings. Please note that you may then not be able to use all the functions of this website.

11. deletion of data
11.1 The data processed by us will be deleted or its processing restricted in accordance with Art. 17 and 18 GDPR. Unless expressly stated in this privacy policy, the data stored by us will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for its intended purpose and the deletion does not conflict with any statutory retention obligations. If the data is not deleted because it is required for other and legally permissible purposes, its processing will be restricted. This means that the data is blocked and not processed for other purposes. This applies, for example, to data that must be retained for commercial or tax law reasons.

11.2 In accordance with legal requirements, storage is carried out in particular for 6 years in accordance with § 257 para. 1 HGB (commercial books, inventories, opening balance sheets, annual financial statements, commercial letters, accounting documents, etc.) and for 10 years in accordance with § 147 para. 1 AO (books, records, management reports, accounting documents, commercial and business letters, documents relevant for taxation, etc.)

12. order processing in the online store and customer account
12.1 We process the data of our customers as part of the ordering processes in our online store to enable them to select and order the selected products and services, as well as their payment and delivery or execution.

12.2 The processed data includes inventory data, communication data, contract data, payment data and the data subjects include our customers, interested parties and other business partners. The processing is carried out for the purpose of providing contractual services in the context of operating an online store, billing, delivery and customer services. We use session cookies to store the contents of the shopping cart and permanent cookies to store the login status.

12.3 The processing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b (execution of order processes) and c (legally required archiving) GDPR. The information marked as necessary is required to justify and fulfill the contract. We only disclose the data to third parties in the context of delivery, payment or within the scope of legal permissions and obligations towards legal advisors and authorities. The data will only be processed in third countries if this is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract (e.g. at the customer’s request for delivery or payment).

12.4 Users can optionally create a user account in which they can view their orders in particular. As part of the registration process, users will be provided with the required mandatory information. The user accounts are not public and cannot be indexed by search engines. If users have terminated their user account, their data will be deleted with regard to the user account, subject to their retention is necessary for commercial or tax law reasons in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR. Information in the customer account remains until its deletion with subsequent archiving in the event of a legal obligation. It is the responsibility of users to back up their data before the end of the contract in the event of termination.

12.5 As part of the registration and renewed logins as well as the use of our online services, we store the IP address and the time of the respective user action. The storage is based on our legitimate interests as well as those of the user in protection against misuse and other unauthorized use. This data is not passed on to third parties unless it is necessary to pursue our claims or there is a legal obligation to do so in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR.

12.6 The deletion takes place after the expiry of statutory warranty and comparable obligations, the necessity of storing the data is reviewed every three years; in the case of statutory archiving obligations, the deletion takes place after their expiry (end of commercial law (6 years) and tax law (10 years) retention obligation); information in the customer account remains until its deletion.

13. contact and customer service
13.1 When contacting us (via contact form or e-mail), the user’s details are processed to process the contact request and its handling in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR.

13.2 User data may be stored in our Customer Relationship Management System (“CRM System”) or comparable inquiry organization.

13.3 We delete the requests if they are no longer required. We review the necessity every two years; we store inquiries from customers who have a customer account permanently and refer to the details of the customer account for deletion. Furthermore, the statutory archiving obligations apply.

14. collection of access data and log files
14.1 On the basis of our legitimate interests within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR. GDPR, we collect data about every access to the server on which this service is located (so-called server log files). The access data includes the name of the website accessed, file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, notification of successful access, browser type and version, the user’s operating system, referrer URL (the previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider.

14.2 Log file information is stored for security reasons (e.g. to investigate misuse or fraud) for a maximum period of seven days and then deleted. Data whose further storage is required for evidentiary purposes is excluded from deletion until the respective incident has been finally clarified.

15. online presence in social media
15.1 On the basis of our legitimate interests within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR. GDPR, we maintain online presences within social networks and platforms in order to communicate with the customers, interested parties and users active there and to inform them about our services. When accessing the respective networks and platforms, the terms and conditions and data processing guidelines of their respective operators apply.

15.2 Unless otherwise stated in our privacy policy, we process users’ data if they communicate with us within social networks and platforms, e.g. write posts on our online presences or send us messages.

15.3 We use Google Analytics to display the ads placed by Google and its partners within advertising services only to those users who have also shown an interest in our online offer or who have certain characteristics (e.g. interests in certain topics or products determined on the basis of the websites visited) that we transmit to Google (so-called “remarketing” or “Google Analytics audiences”). With the help of remarketing audiences, we also want to ensure that our ads correspond to the potential interest of users and are not annoying.

16. google analytics
16.1 On the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR), we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google LLC (“Google”). GDPR) Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google LLC (“Google”). Google uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the online offer by the user is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

16.2 Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee of compliance with European data protection law (https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&status=Active).

16.3 Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our online offer by users, to compile reports on the activities within this online offer and to provide us with further services associated with the use of this online offer and the use of the Internet. Pseudonymous user profiles can be created from the processed data.

16.4 We only use Google Analytics with activated IP anonymization. This means that the IP address of users is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there.

16.5 The IP address transmitted by the user’s browser will not be merged with other Google data. Users can prevent the storage of cookies by setting their browser software accordingly; users can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to their use of the online offer and from processing this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de.

16.6 Further information on the use of data by Google, setting and objection options can be found on Google’s websites: https://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/partners (“Data use by Google when you use our partners’ websites or apps”), https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads (“Use of data for advertising purposes”), https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated (“Manage information that Google uses to show you advertising”).

17. communication by post, e-mail, fax or telephone
17.1 We use means of remote communication, such as post, telephone or email, for business transactions and marketing purposes. In doing so, we process inventory data, address and contact data as well as contract data of customers, participants, interested parties and communication partners.

17.2 Processing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a, Art. 7 GDPR, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR in conjunction with legal requirements for advertising communications. Contact is only made with the consent of the contact partners or within the scope of the legal permissions and the processed data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required and otherwise with objection/revocation or discontinuation of the authorization basis or legal archiving obligations.

18. newsletter
18.1 With the following information, we inform you about the contents of our newsletter as well as the registration, dispatch and statistical evaluation procedure and your rights of objection. By subscribing to our newsletter, you agree to receive it and to the procedures described.

18.2 Content of the newsletter: We only send newsletters, emails and other electronic notifications with advertising information (hereinafter “newsletter”) with the consent of the recipient or with legal permission. If the contents of the newsletter are specifically described when registering for the newsletter, they are decisive for the user’s consent. Our newsletters also contain information about our products, offers, promotions and our company.

18.3 Double opt-in and logging: Registration for our newsletter takes place in a so-called double opt-in procedure. This means that after registering, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no-one can register with other people’s e-mail addresses. Subscriptions to the newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process in accordance with legal requirements. This includes storing the time of registration and confirmation as well as the IP address. Changes to your data stored with the mailing service provider are also logged.

18.4 Sending service provider: The newsletter is sent via “MailChimp”, a newsletter sending platform of the US provider Rocket Science Group, LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE #5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA. You can view the privacy policy of the shipping service provider here: https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/. The Rocket Science Group LLC d/b/a MailChimp is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee to comply with the European level of data protection (https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TO6hAAG&status=Active).

18.5 If we use a mailing service provider, the mailing service provider may, according to its own information, use this data in pseudonymous form, i.e. without allocation to a user, to optimize or improve its own services, e.g. to technically optimize the dispatch and presentation of the newsletter or for statistical purposes in order to determine from which countries the recipients come. However, the mailing service provider does not use the data of our newsletter recipients to write to them itself or to pass it on to third parties.

18.6 Registration data: To register for the newsletter, it is sufficient to enter your e-mail address. Optionally, we ask you to enter a name so that we can address you personally in the newsletter.

18.7 Performance measurement – The newsletters contain a so-called “web-beacon”, i.e. a pixel-sized file that is retrieved from our server when the newsletter is opened or, if we use a mailing service provider, from their server. As part of this retrieval, technical information, such as information about the browser and your system, as well as your IP address and time of retrieval, is initially collected. This information is used for the technical improvement of the services based on the technical data or the target groups and their reading behavior based on their retrieval locations (which can be determined with the help of the IP address) or the access times. The statistical surveys also include determining whether the newsletters are opened, when they are opened and which links are clicked. For technical reasons, this information can be assigned to individual newsletter recipients. However, it is neither our intention nor, if used, that of the mailing service provider to observe individual users. The evaluations serve us much more to recognize the reading habits of our users and to adapt our content to them or to send different content according to the interests of our users.

18.8 The newsletter is sent and the success measured on the basis of the consent of the recipients pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a, Art. 7 GDPR in conjunction with § 7 para. 2 no. 3 UWG or on the basis of the legal permission pursuant to § 7 para. 3 UWG.

18.9 オーストリアオーストリア:ニュースレターは、Art.6 para.1 lit. a, Art.7 GDPRと第107条第2項TKG、または第107条第2項および第3項TKGに基づく法的許可に基づいて行われます。

18.10.登録プロセスの記録は、Art.6 para.1 lit. f GDPRに基づく当社の正当な利益に基づくものであり、ニュースレター受信の同意を証明するものです。


19. 第三者のサービスとコンテンツの統合
19.1 当社の正当な利益(すなわち、第6条の意味における当社のオンラインオファーの分析、最適化、および経済的運営における利益)に基づき、当社は、以下の行為を行うことがあります。6 para.1 lit. f. GDPR)に基づき、当社のオンラインサービス内で第三者プロバイダーからのコンテンツまたはサービス提供を利用します。GDPR)のコンテンツまたはサービス提供を、ビデオやフォントなどのコンテンツおよびサービスを統合するために利用します。これは常に、このコンテンツの第三者プロバイダーがユーザーのIPアドレスを認識していることを前提としています。なぜなら、IPアドレスがなければ、コンテンツをユーザーのブラウザに送信することができないからです。そのため、コンテンツを表示するにはIPアドレスが必要となります。当社は、各プロバイダがIPアドレスのみを使用してコンテンツを配信するコンテンツのみを使用するよう努めます。また、第三者プロバイダーは、統計上またはマーケティング上の目的で、いわゆるピクセルタグ(目に見えないグラフィック、「ウェブビーコン」とも呼ばれます)を使用することがあります。ピクセルタグは、本ウェブサイトのページにおける訪問者のトラフィックなどの情報を分析するために使用することができます。仮名情報はまた、ユーザーのデバイス上のクッキーに保存されることがあり、特に、ブラウザおよびオペレーティングシステムに関する技術情報、参照ウェブサイト、訪問時間、および当社のオンラインオファーの利用に関するその他の情報が含まれ、また他の情報源からのそのような情報にリンクされることがあります。

19.2 以下のプレゼンテーションでは、第三者プロバイダーおよびそのコンテンツの概要と、データ処理に関する詳細情報、および場合によってはここですでに述べた異議申し立て(いわゆるオプトアウト)のオプションが記載されたデータ保護宣言へのリンクを提供します。
- 当社の顧客が第三者の決済サービス(PayPalやSofortüberweisungなど)を利用する場合は、各ウェブサイトまたは取引アプリケーション内でアクセスできる各第三者プロバイダーの利用規約およびデータ保護情報が適用されます。

- 動画は、サードパーティプロバイダーであるGoogle Inc.の「YouTube」プラットフォーム(1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA)から提供されています。プライバシーポリシー:https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/Opt-Out:https://www.google.com/settings/ads/.

- Twitterのサービスまたはプラットフォーム(以下、「Twitter」といいます)の機能は、当社のオンラインサービスに統合される場合があります。Twitterは、Twitter Inc(1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA)が提供するサービスです。その機能には、当社のオンラインサービス内でのTwitter内での当社の投稿の表示、Twitter上の当社プロフィールへのリンク、投稿やTwitterの機能との相互作用の可能性、およびTwitterに当社が掲載した広告経由で当社のオンラインサービスにユーザーが到達したかどうかの測定(いわゆるコンバージョン測定)が含まれます。Twitterはプライバシーシールド協定の認定を受けており、欧州データ保護法(https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TORzAAO&status=Active)の遵守を保証しています。プライバシーポリシー:https://twitter.com/de/privacyOpt-Out:https://twitter.com/personalization.